41 dogs

I was so amazed when I went to a pet-food shop in Kelapa Gading area to look for my dog's snack. There's a sign at the door saying "Dogs not for sale". Inside I saw many Pekingese lying down comfortably. Some sleeping on the floor; some sitting near the owner at the cashier. There's one vegging out on the cashier's desk commanding the store. Dogs rule indeed.

Curious, I asked the owner how many dogs she had. Forty one, she said. Wow.


Me said…
halo, salam kenal namaku Ivan. You love dogs ya? Sama dunk.
T said…
Halo juga. Yes, I love dogs. Kamu punya anjing? Jenis apa?
Antony Gumi said…
Hi Ms, your dog's cute, it's so chubby. I also got one, it's a breed of Bali's Kintamani dog. I named it "Hemu-Hemu". Demen banget berburu tikus (si hemu nongkrong di depan gudang, nungguin tikus yang lewat mengantar nyawa) and punya pacar seekor KUCING (kucing liar entah dari mana asalnya yang jadi ikut dipelihara juga gara-gara pacaran ma si Hemu)...
T said…
Antony, your dog is very friendly :-)
Do you have a picture of Hemu-Hemu? What does Hemu-Hemu mean?
Antony Gumi said…
Picture of Hemu-Hemu http://kerjaannyagumi.wordpress.com/2008/04/25/hemu-hemu/

I named it after a japanesee cartoon character, hemu-hemu, the dog of Ninja Hatori ^^

I heard from my friend that Hemu means White. However, my dog is brown actually hehehe..

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