41 dogs

I was so amazed when I went to a pet-food shop in Kelapa Gading area to look for my dog's snack. There's a sign at the door saying "Dogs not for sale". Inside I saw many Pekingese lying down comfortably. Some sleeping on the floor; some sitting near the owner at the cashier. There's one vegging out on the cashier's desk commanding the store. Dogs rule indeed.
Curious, I asked the owner how many dogs she had. Forty one, she said. Wow.
Do you have a picture of Hemu-Hemu? What does Hemu-Hemu mean?
I named it after a japanesee cartoon character, hemu-hemu, the dog of Ninja Hatori ^^
I heard from my friend that Hemu means White. However, my dog is brown actually hehehe..